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On the Køge Bugt Motorway in Copenhagen, Denmark, travel times and alternative route information posted on dynamic message signs prompted 12 to 14 percent of drivers to divert onto less congested alternative routes.

The impact of dynamic route advisory messages posted on dynamic message signs in the study area was evaluated by collecting traffic volume and speed data from loop detectors and machine vision…
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A survey of motorists in Copenhagen, Denmark, found that 80 percent of respondents were satisfied with variable speed limits and the traveler information posted on dynamic message signs.

The impact of variable speed limits and dynamic route advisory messages posted on dynamic message signs in the study area was evaluated by collecting traffic volume and speed data from loop detectors…
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On the Køge Bugt Motorway in Copenhagen, Denmark, variable speed limits reduced vehicle speeds by up to 5 km/h and contributed to smoother traffic flow during peak periods.

The impact of variable speed limits posted on dynamic message signs in the study area was evaluated by collecting traffic volume and speed data from loop detectors and machine vision license plate…
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