Michigan Digital Message Sign Study Reported an Installation Cost of $72,000 and an Annual Operation Cost of $2,300.

State Study Provided Capital and Operation Costs for Portable Changeable Message Sign and Dynamic Message Sign Systems in Michigan.

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Digital Message Signs (DMS) (also referred to as dynamic message signs, variable message signs, or changeable message signs) are an important part of the Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) that display a variety of real-time travel information for the road users, including traffic diversion, travel time, congestion, upcoming roadwork, lane closures, and incidents such as traffic accidents. Other information includes inclement weather, speed regulations, special events, and safety related messages such as seatbelt usage. Given limited budgets and time constraints, it is important for DOTs to be aware of the most efficient DMS practices. Therefore, this study evaluated different DMS message types and installation locations in Grand Rapids, Saugatuck, and Saginaw, Michigan by developing a data-driven methodology involving field case studies and user surveys, utilizing a variety of data collected from 2019 to 2021. The study also generated results to facilitate better allocation of Michigan DOT’s (MDOT) resources by investing in effective sign technologies for traffic improvement and improve overall DMS operational practices.

The overall one-time cost of Portable Changeable Message Sign (PCMS) at the test site, according to the MDOT, is $6,950, which includes $5,450 for installation and $1,500 for operation and maintenance. The costs of the DMS were provided by MDOT as well, which included the installation cost of $72,000 (for 277 DMS) and the annual operation cost of $2,300, with a service life of 15 years. The majority of the DMS were categorized as large (73 percent) followed by other smaller sizes.