The total expected risk-adjusted cost of implementing and operating a nationwide NG9-1-1 system ranged from $82 billion to $86.3 billion over the next 20 years.

Nationwide analysis of NG9-1-1 system research

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The cost, value, and risk of implementing a Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) system has been evaluated by the U.S. DOT on a national scale and published in a series of reports. Final conclusions and findings from this research are presented in the report entitled Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) System Initiative: Final Analysis of Cost, Value, and Risk.

In general, NG9-1-1 has been designed to work with Internet connectivity to increase functionality and provide broader coverage. The proposed system will support the transmission of voice, text, data, photo, and video information between callers (e.g., crash victims) and 9-1-1 public safety answering points (PSAP) and enable emergency responders and medical facilities to have more detailed and reliable information regarding specific emergencies.

The U.S. DOT explored a concept of operations and then assessed the value, cost, and risk of migrating to a national NG9-1-1 framework. Preliminary analysis used a Value Measuring Methodology (VMM). This methodology was designed to capture a wide range of project cost and value estimates for specific alternatives and account for project risks that could increase cost or decrease value. Weights were assigned to values based on representative data collected from questionnaires distributed to a variety of stakeholders and subject matter experts (SMEs). Cost estimates were developed using build data collected from the current 9-1-1 environment and other existing data sources. Once potential risks were identified, a risk structure was developed to identify risk tolerance and provide a foundation for comparing benefits and costs.

Overall, the total expected risk adjusted lifecycle cost of implementing and operating a nationwide NG9-1-1 system would cost approximately $82.0 billion to $86.3 billion over the next 20 years. Similar lifecycle cost estimates for the current 9-1-1 environment ranged from $66.1 billion to $94.2 billion. Researchers found that NG9-1-1 would likely cost about the same as the current 9-1-1 system, but deliver significantly more value.

The table below excerpted from the source report summarizes the cost and value potential of four different deployment scenarios. The NG9-1-1 Uniform and Hybrid scenarios represent the highest ratio of risk adjusted value to cost.

Analysis Summary
9-1-1 (Low)
9-1-1 (High)
Lifecycle Cost Summary (Risk Adjusted Expected $ Billion, Nominal)
Total Lifecycle
Lifecycle Cost Breakdown (Risk Adjusted Expected $ Billion, Nominal)
1.0 Planning
2.0 Acquisition and Implementation
3.0 O&M
Value Summary
Value Risk Scores
Risk Adjusted
Value Scores
System Cost

NG9-1-1: $82 billion to $86.3 billion (2007) over 20 years. Basic 9-1-1: $66.1 billion to $94.2 billion (2007) over 20 years.