Work closely with project partners and stakeholders

Experience from the State of Vermont Multimodal Passenger Information, Transit Signal Priority and ITS System Planning Project

Date Posted

Chittenden County Transportation Authority, Vermont Multimodal Passenger Information, Transit Signal Priority and ITS System Planning Local Evaluation Report.

Summary Information

In August 2003, the Chittenden County Transportation Authority (CCTA), a transit service provider in northwestern Vermont, applied for a grant for ITS Integration funds to implement and integrate ITS technologies in its service area. CCTA proposed using the funds for:
  • Enhanced multimodal passenger information at the new multimodal transit center (Dynamic Message Sign, or DMS project);
  • Fixed route scheduling software allowing CCTA to share data with its regional partners and to implement service changes more effectively;
  • Transit signal priority (TSP) on several important corridors;
  • Mobile data communications system allowing CCTA to implement AVL location and schedule adherence monitoring.

The ITS integration project was driven by 1) the need for more real-time passenger information, 2) transit site and cost restrictions, 3) the need for a means to more quickly and effectively schedule vehicle operations and driver duties, and 4) the need to centralize data related to transit operations and planning.

CCTA’s Local Evaluation Report provides an update on the status of project activities, a summary of accomplishments, and a description of institutional issues that have arisen over the course of the project. Based on its experience in integrating ITS components, CCTA also presents a set of lessons learned.

As of June 2006, CCTA reported that it had made progress on all three areas of ITS integration that were identified as priorities in the grant application – multimodal passenger information displays, fixed route scheduling software, and transit signal priority. A brief summary of the status of each area is provided below.

Multimodal Passenger Information Displays: As a result of factors unrelated to the ITS Integration project, plans for a new multimodal transit center were put on a hold, resulting in a delay to the project. However, in 2005, the project moved forward with developing specifications for a passenger information DMS system for the existing CCTA downtown transfer area (the system leaves room for expansion and relocation to a new Downtown Transit Center that is being planned).

Fixed Route Scheduling Software: The implementation of fixed route scheduling software was recently completed. The new software has enabled CCTA to improve operational efficiency by more effectively interlining routes and has allowed CCTA to integrate the driving bidding process, the development of daily work assignments and the development of passenger schedules.

Transit Signal Priority: Early efforts to identify a standard for TSP in the County were slowed by the discovery that two different technologies were being used for signal priority and pre-emption in the CCTA service area. CCTA led efforts to adopt a common TSP standard. The Chittenden County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO) brought a consultant on board to develop a TSP priority standard for Chittenden County, and CCMPO staff has been working with partners to validate the standard. CCTA has proposed a TSP pilot project and discussions on that project are currently underway. In addition, the City of Burlington has installed receivers on some new traffic signal controllers that are capable of accommodating TSP.

Based on its experience with the ITS Integration project, CCTA found that close communication and collaboration with partners and stakeholders was vital. CCTA offered the following lessons learned:

  • Gain the interest of internal and external stakeholders. Building support among key stakeholders is extremely important to continued progress on projects. In the case of Chittenden County, the ITS integration project experienced significant progress when the CCTA Board adopted implementation of DMS and TSP as its goals.
  • Collaborate and communicate with partners. Frequent communication and collaboration with project partners enabled the project to overcome institutional issues related to TSP (the lack of a common TSP standard) and it helped to move the DMS project forward. After an initial delay on the DMS project (due to a lack of agreement on the location and design of the Multimodal Transit Center), plans for the DMS system and a new downtown transit center are now underway, due in large part to CCTA's collaboration with the City of Burlington and other stakeholders. In addition, working with other agencies on their projects can result in benefits for an agency's own ITS integration plans. CCTA worked with Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) and CCMPO on the regional ITS architecture and a statewide ITS strategic plan, two efforts which helped to improve coordination on CCTA's ITS initiatives.
  • Educate stakeholders on the benefits of ITS. The CCTA Operations Manager has helped to educate others on the importance of good passenger information and customer service in attracting ridership and making transit a viable option. Stakeholder education was also critical in building support for standards-setting with the TSP project.
  • Be persistent in achieving your goals. On the DMS system project, CCTA could have abandoned the idea of including DMS signs in the downtown area after the Multimodal Transit Center project was put on hold; however CCTA shifted its focus to implementing DMS at the planned Downtown Transit Center.

In its Local Evaluation Report, CCTA reported that is has made progress on the three key areas of the ITS integration project. CCTA's efforts in working closely with partners and stakeholders, including active engagement of stakeholders, frequent communication, education and persistence, have significantly contributed to this progress. In collaborating with project stakeholders, CCTA has been able to overcome a number of the institutional issues that otherwise would have hindered the project. Through successful implementation of fixed route scheduling software, CCTA has already been able to reap the benefits of improved operational efficiencies, and with the implementation of the DMS and TSP projects, CCTA anticipates improved on-time performance and reliability of its services as well as enhanced traveler information. Following this guidance helps to attain the ITS goals of mobility, efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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