Develop a list of factors and metrics to analyze system performance to determine when system replacement or retirement may become necessary.

Lessons from the ICM Implementation Guide.

Date Posted

Integrated Corridor Management: Implementation Guide and Lessons Learned

Summary Information

The Integrated Corridor Management: Implementation Guide and Lessons Learned document is intended for use by adopters of integrated corridor management (ICM) approaches and strategies to address congestion and travel time reliability issues within specific travel corridors. It introduces the topic of ICM and identifies the type of information system, known as the integrated corridor management system (ICMS), used to support transportation network managers and operators in applying ICM.

The U.S. DOT partnered with eight transportation agencies in large metropolitan areas, referred to as "Pioneer Sites," to research effective means of implementing ICM approaches in their major travel corridors. The guide discusses lessons learned that arose during the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (U.S. DOT’s) research initiative.

Eventually the ICMS may become obsolete or require a major overhaul replacing some or all of the original system. Stakeholders will need to have a plan in place to accommodate these types of changes when they occur. A system retirement or replacement plan should be included in the ICMS Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP). A draft plan should be included with the delivery of the SEMP at the beginning of the project and refined prior to system acceptance.

The following lessons learned apply to the systems retirement/replacement phase of an ICM program:

  • Establish a target system life-cycle timeframe. In the SEMP, establish a target system life-cycle timeframe; that is, the number of years the system is expected to be in service. This is important information for performing life-cycle cost analysis associated with retirement/replacement.
  • Develop incremental phasing for system component replacement. – If a system needs to be replaced, consider replacing it in an incremental manner (i.e., sub-system by sub-system). This will make funding the replacement components easier; some of which could be incorporated in operations and maintenance funding. It will also provide the ability to maintain overall system functionality while some components are being replaced.

NOTE: Because the Pioneer Sites are in the early stages of systems operations of the ICMS, the systems retirement/replacement lessons have yet to be developed; therefore, these lessons are excerpted from the Systems Engineering Guidebook for ITS section 5 – Case Studies Key Lessons. The three case studies included the New York City Transit Automatic Train Supervision system, the City of Baltimore Integrated Traffic Management System, and the Maryland CHART incident management.

System Engineering Elements

Keywords Taxonomy: