In Espanola, New Mexico the implementation of a traffic management system on NM 68 provided a decrease in total crashes of 27.5 percent and a reduction in vehicle delay of 87.5 percent.

New Mexico Implmentation of a Traffic Management System

Date Posted

NM 68, Riverside Drive City of Espanola, New Mexico ITS Project Final Evaluation Report

Summary Information

In 2008, the evaluation was completed for the new traffic management system in the City of Espanola, New Mexico, implemented in June 2006. The system consists of eight signalized intersections on NM 68 and deployment included new traffic signal controllers and cabinets, new video detection equipment, a fiber optic communication system, a wireless communication system, traffic management system hardware and software, and system integration. The traffic management system connects to a traffic operations center located at the New Mexico Department of Transportation general office in Santa Fe. The system has expansion capabilities of at least 30 additional intersections.


Prior to signal system improvements, the eight project intersections operated independently. Before/after data collection and analysis was performed for evaluation purposes. After the system was deployed , in 2006, the traffic management system benefits included:

  • a decrease of 27.5 percent in total crashes compared with previous years.
  • a reduction in vehicle delay of 87.5 percent, improving the level of service (LOS) on NM 68 from a LOS F to a LOS A.

The system has had a positive impact on travelers and indirect impacts include a reduction in vehicle emissions and energy consumption.

Goal Areas
Deployment Locations